The cold rolling mill with an annual capacity of 120,000TPA and with starting HR coil material is reduced by relatively large amount in series of passes through a single stand reversing mill to produce multiple thicknesses of CR rolls which will be used as input to CGL and CCL factories.
- The output sizes will be Strip Width : 650-1250mm
- Strip Thickness : 0.15 mm(min)-1.0 mm(max)
- Coil ID : 508 mm
- Coil Weight : 25 Tons (max)
- Coil OD : 900 mm(Min)/2000 mm
The tube mill is the plant that produces the steel and profiles tubes and profiles products manufacturing facility which will be used for structural and commercial purpose and produces the following ranges of products :
- CHS 12.7,16,20,25,32,38,50,63,76,100,127 mm
- RHS 15*10,20*10,30*10,30*20,40*20,50*30,60*20,60*40 mm, 80*40,70*50,100*60,120*80 10*10 mm
- SHS 12*12,15*15,20*20,25*25,30*30,40*40,50*50,60*60,80*80,100*100 mm